Friday, July 30, 2010

One of my favorite tools was the Image Generators/Mashups. I am so visual so I love creating pieces that will introduce and /or enhance learning. I still want to create a word cloud in Big Huge Lab. Again, this type of visual is a great set for a topic

The 11 Tools has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and attempt more with technology. Some of us who have been in education for a while, find it intimidating. We don't want to come across this way to our students but is does take time to leave it behind. I assume one of the objectives of 11 Tools is simply introduction to some of the resources available and certainly not mastery of.

As far as outcomes go, there were some pretty difficult tools to navigate through. Some of the tools were completed with an attempt and certainly not a finished product, introduction not mastery. But that's okay, we tell out students to try and we can go from there. Some of the tools needed more hands-on guidance and the activity took many more than seven hours! At least, for some.

Tool 11: Digital Citizenship

The Frayer model for Digital Citizenship is a great visual with Student and the four areas of digital awareness; safety, literacy, learning strategies and etiquette.
  • The comment regarding students grabbing the first piece they read and using it as gospel is so accurate as I find myself having done that back when. It is vital we model the "how to find" and "how to evaluate the accuracy of" a piece of information to our students. Time is always at an essence and we do just want to complete the assignment.
  • Safety is a huge issue. There is access to so much on the web that one can easily find themselves where there is no value.
  • As we say"It takes a village to raise a child" so it goes with the world of technology. It takes everyone, teachers, parents, mentors, tutors, keep digital citizenship at the core of technology practices.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tool 10: Mobile Tech and Apps

I liked the ITunes, Flash Math , which is facts practice. It's a great App on your ITouch and is geared for Kinder through elementary with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

There are several math games for facts practice including Math Magic, highly motivational and a great way to use the ITouch.

Tool 9: Sharing Information

Jing is a great way to explain and share ideas with visuals. Many times you might see a piece of text/visual to add a comment to or modify. The piece can be captured, you can make it your own with descriptors and captions, arrows and there's a piece for your lesson.

Tool 8: Video Resources

I chose a video with Traci Dison onboard the International SpaceStation speaking on the importance of education with math and science. I chose this because our students continue to find it difficult to integrate the diciplines. If science is in math, they respond, "I thought we were doing math" ... and if graphs are in science, the kids ask Mr. Glover, "Why is there math in science class.

The videos would not load. :(

The second video is Pa Kettle Teaches Math because it is so "today". This is what we deal with daily and it's just funny.

Videos are great as sets and can get the students thinking prior to the lesson. I have used them as a mini lesson also but you have to be careful with this component, perhaps just a segment of the lesson.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tool 7: Digital storytelling

It was always motivating and fun to have each student do a slideshow in Kidpix for their student-led conference to share with their parents. I stil have students come back and reflect on their slide show and how they remember it. Now it's I Movie and Photostory. This would be a great tool for the classroom especially toward the second semester. Students could highlight things learned and goals. It's a great way to highlight trips like My Trip to Big Bend. I will try and use it for a sample. Don't know, though.

Tool 5: Tagging and Bookmarking

I created two tags, facts practice and numeracy. I decided to join the Delicious site and have my bookmarks there. Since both tags are professional, I plan to organize with some personal tags like "gardening", "antiques" and "dogs". Realized this from a fellow blogger.
More later, perhaps.